The CARLI Public Services Committee is happy to announce two days of open house events on March 3 and 11, 2016. Come check out fellow CARLI libraries and some tools they're using to enhance services and operations.
Tech Savvy Online Tools for Public Services – Both days will be full of practical and innovative ways to engage students, make your day-to-day work easier, and communicate effectively with colleagues.
Join us in Glen Ellyn and Wheaton on Thursday March 3, 2016 from 9:30–3:30 at College of DuPage and Wheaton College. Beginning the day at College of DuPage, staff will share their experiences with Voyager Media Scheduler. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the administration setup of the software. In the afternoon, attendees will then relocate to Wheaton College where staff will demonstrate Open Room, a group study reservation system developed by Ball State University. Each site will include library tours.
Please register for this event by February 17.
Join us in Normal on Friday, March 11, 2016 from 9:30–3:30 at Illinois State University and Heartland Community College. The day will be full of practical and innovative ways to engage students, make your day-to-day work easier, and communicate effectively with colleagues. The day will begin at Illinois State University, where Instruction Librarians Jennifer Sharkey, Alexis Wolstein, and Chris Worland, will discuss how they use Piktochart, Poll Everywhere, and Wideo both in and out of the classroom. In the afternoon, participants will travel to Heartland Community College to hear how Information Services Librarians Colleen Bannon and Colleen Shaw, use Cluster, Shelflister, and Kahoot! with students in classes and with student workers at the public service desk.
Please register for this event by February 25.
CARLI will provide lunch to participants on both days. Registrations will be accepted in the order of submission. Due to space limitations, only two people per institution will be allowed to register. If space remains 3 weeks prior to the programs, registration will be open to all interested CARLI members.
If you have any questions, please contact CARLI support.
A third Open House will be held at Columbia College Chicago in April. More information and registration will be available soon.
The annual online certification process for libraries that are members of a regional library system is required of all CARLI member libraries in order to remain eligible for CARLI membership, and to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2016.
All CARLI libraries are also required to complete the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Traffic Survey. This survey must be completed before submitting the annual online certification. The survey can be completed any time prior to the certification deadline, March 31. I-Share libraries should consult the Statistics section of the CARLI web site or the article in the I-Share Section below for more information about using UB Stat 4 to complete your ILLINET survey.
More information about certification is available at the State Library’s Annual Library Certification Web page.
CARLI staff is proceeding with the development of the design library on the CARLI web site. The design library currently includes access to the CARLI Style Guide, the new CARLI and I-Share logos, and the value graphics that were included with the 2015 annual value letter. This spring, we will be adding a CARLI brochure, as well as various bookmark and book band templates.
If you are interested in customizing the graphics for your own library and would like to receive the application files for the documents, or if there is a template that would be useful for your library, please let us know by sending an email to CARLI support.
The end of calendar year 2015 brings the annual season for filling out academic library surveys. These include the ILLINET/Illinois State Library ILL report and the IPEDS, ACRL and ARL surveys.
Please see section 3 of the CARLI web page on “The I-Share Annual Statistics Package” for advice on using Voyager reports and CARLI's Annual Statistics Package to help fill out these surveys. CARLI staff recently revised the page to reflect changes in survey questions and definitions, especially from the IPEDS and ACRL. For your convenience, CARLI's page will link you to the IPEDS, ACRL and ARL sample forms, instructions and glossaries.
Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Why do you need to conduct a collection assessment?
Thus far in the year-long project on the preservation of audiovisual (AV) materials, the CARLI Preservation Committee has concentrated on the need for getting to know an institution’s AV holdings, by taking inventory and identifying formats. Much like the principle that "Form follows function," the collecting priorities of an institution, the nature of the holdings, and their physical condition will greatly influence the creation of a preservation plan.
Conducting an assessment survey gathers all of the information together in one place, so that the next steps can be prioritized. The survey can be as simple or as complex as a collection needs, the important thing is that the tool used to gather, store, and process the information is adequate to the scale of the holdings. This allows the surveyor to avoid building a huge survey that takes a very long time to complete and yields little useful information. For very small collections, a single spreadsheet that can be sorted by selected categories can suffice. For larger institutions, a tool that can grow as needs change will work better such as adding new locations and new collections to the general survey.
A full overview of Collection Assessment can be found on the CARLI web site.
Chicago Collections, a consortium of libraries, museums, and other institutions with archives that collaborate to preserve and share the history and culture of the Chicago region, has launched its flagship initiative, Explore Chicago Collections. This free, centralized, web-based search engine and record-finding tool will allow researchers, teachers, students, and the general public to locate or access over 100,000 maps, photos, letters, and other archival materials held at its member institutions.
Chicago Collections represents a new level of collaboration by Chicago’s cultural heritage community; members include University of Chicago, Chicago Public Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, Newberry Library, DePaul University, Theatre Historical Society of America, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Zoological Society, and several other significant collections. The project is supported through a combination of dues from member organizations, individuals, and foundation support, notably from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
In addition to the Explore Chicago Collections portal, other Chicago Collections initiatives include a virtual reference desk spanning the entire Chicago region and public exhibits of holdings from member collections. Read more about Chicago Collections in the ILA Reporter or visit the Chicago Collections web site.
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has selected the Newberry Library as one of 18 recipients for 2015 Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards for their project "Voices of the Revolution: Digitizing 30,000 French Pamphlets."
Through Voices of the Revolution, researchers will gain access to full-text searchable digital files (an estimated 510,000 pages of text) for 30,000 French Revolution pamphlets. These pamphlets represent an unparalleled corpus of material and support numerous fields of literary and historical study including legal, social, and cultural history, and the history of printing and publication.
Digital files and associated metadata will be available through multiple portals including the Internet Archive, WorldCat, local online catalogs, Digital Public Library of America, and HathiTrust. Downloadable data sets of all files and metadata will also be provided for digital humanities scholarship. For more information, visit the CLIR web site.
Three Illinois libraries have been chosen to host the National Library of Medicine’s latest traveling exhibit, “Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness”.
Illinois Wesleyan University, Trinity College of Nursing, and the Warren Township Public Library are among 104 libraries nationally that will host the exhibit. Each library will host the exhibit for six weeks during the national tour, which lasts from 2016 to 2020. The NLM will also provide host libraries with staff training via a webinar, a publicity kit to help raise awareness of the exhibit in the community, and a $250 grant to cover any additional programming costs.
The “Native Voices” exhibit, which was on display at the NLM (in Bethesda, Maryland) from 2011 to 2015, is part of a series of traveling exhibits produced by the NLM and the National Institutes of Health, the Library’s parent organization. This particular exhibit focuses on issues related to the health of Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives, in both the past and the present. The history of displacement, epidemics, and the suppression of Native culture is used to illustrate the vital roles that land, spirit, and community play in Native health. Interviews educate the public about the firsthand impact of these historical forces and the future health challenges facing Native communities.
Visit the “Native Voices” web site for more information, including the exhibit’s content. You can also find the full list of host sites on the ALA web site.
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is seeking papers to be presented at the IFLA Information Literacy Section Satellite Preconference to be held at DePaul University's, Lincoln Park Campus in Chicago on August 11-12, 2016. This preconference is being held in conjunction with the 82nd IFLA World Library and Information Conference in Columbus, OH on August 13-19, 2016.
This satellite conference will feature both practice and theory on the myriad ways in which primary sources and museum collections can be integrated into instructional programs.
Proposals are welcome from library and museum practitioners, educators, and researchers from around the world. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Proposal formats can include research papers, practical presentations, panels, interactive workshops, pecha kucha/lightning rounds, and poster sessions.
All proposals must be submitted by February 1, 2016, using the Proposal Submission Form.
For complete details visit the IFLA web site. You may also email Sharon Mader, or Terry Taylor, for further information.
February 24 Training for New I-Share Libraries: MFHD Workshop
March 3 Public Services Committee Open House
March 9 Training for New I-Share Libraries: Data Review Training
March 11 Public Services Committee Open House
March 17 IACRL Pre-Conference
February 1 Technical Services Committee
February 5 Instruction Committee
February 10 SFX System Committee
February 11 Public Services Committee
February 15 Preservation Committee
February 16 Commercial Products Committee
February 18 Collection Management Committee
Resource Sharing Committee
February 23 Created Content Committee
February 24 CARLI Executive Committee
March 1 Commercial Products Committee
March 2 SFX Administrators Conference Call
March 4 CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
March 7 Technical Services Committee
March 9 SFX Committee
March 10 Public Services Committee
March 17 Resource Sharing Committee
March 21 Preservation Committee
March 22 Created Content Committee
March 24 Collection Management Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.