CARLI News December 8, 2021

CARLI and ILDS Holiday Delivery Schedule

The CARLI office will be closed December 24 through Tuesday, January 4. Regular hours will resume on Wednesday, January 5. The CARLI Office will also be closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 17, 2021.

The following is the list of days that ILDS will not provide service:

  • Friday, December 24–Christmas Eve 
  • Monday, December 26–Christmas Day (observed)
  • Friday, December 31– New Year's Eve
  • Monday, January 3–New Year's Day (observed)
  • Monday, January 17–Martin Luther King Jr. Day

While the CARLI office is closed, please send an email to or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

Illinois SCOERs Sub-Awards Applications

The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI) is pleased to announce the availability of its application for the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) for courses that focus on "The Human Condition: Care, Development, and Lifespan" for Illinois SCOERs (Support for Creation of Open Educational Resources.) This project is fully funded by a $1.08 million grant to the University of Illinois System/CARLI, from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the U.S. Department of Education.

CARLI will award a minimum of eight grants as part of Illinois SCOERs. Each applicant team may request up to $60,000.

CARLI recommends that interested parties fill out the IL SCOERs Intent to Apply form prior to March 1, 2022.

The Illinois SCOERs Notice of Funding Opportunity and application materials can be found at our project website.

CARLI will host informational Zoom workshops to discuss the grant and to walk future applicants through the application process. These workshops will be held:

Attending a workshop is not required. Each workshop will cover the same information, interested people need only attend one session.

Completed application packets should be emailed to the Project Director, . The submission deadline for the completed application packet, including all requested documents, is April 1, 2022.

For the most up-to-date information, join the Illinois SCOERs email list.

FY23 Ebook Program – Crowdfunding

CARLI recently shared a call to members to fund a consortial ebook program in fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).
Information sessions available to CARLI members about the program will be held:

  • December 10, 11 a.m.-Noon
  • January 11, 11 a.m.-Noon
  • January 31, 11 a.m.-Noon

If you would like more information about this program or information about joining the three information sessions, please send a note to

Due to contractual agreements about pricing disclosure, the Zoom sessions will not be recorded.

New CARLI Ebook Page

CARLI has redesigned its Ebook Program webpage. The new page provides information for all ebooks available from the consortium including the current ebooks from Wiley and Oxford University Press and past ebook projects such as titles available from ProQuest Ebook Central.

Each section includes information about available ebooks, terms of use, authentication, institutional accounts, direct links for access, and the availability of MARC records.

CARLI is interested in your feedback on the new page. Please send comments or suggestions for additional information that would be of use to you to

Working with Fire Professionals

The CARLI Preservation Committee is pleased to invite CARLI members and members of the Professional Development Alliance (PDA) to join the webinar, Working with Fire Professionals, presented by Chief John High of the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) on January 25, 2:00-3:00 p.m. This program, described fully below, will look at identifying fire hazards, how to prevent them, and how the fire department will respond to the call. This program supports the CARLI Preservation Committee's efforts to share information throughout 2021-2022 regarding preparing for and responding to Disasters & Emergencies.

Working with Fire Professionals is an introduction to what fire departments do with a special look at Fire Prevention activities. The first step in fighting a fire is to prevent the fire from ever occurring. Firefighters face a variety of hazards as they battle a burning building besides the heat and smoke. There are collapses of ceilings and walls, holes burned through the floors and live electrical and gas lines.

When a fire occurs, the results are often devastating to a family or business. Many items are not replaceable and for a business it can mean permanent closure.

People do not always understand how everyday items can help start a fire and how fast a fire can develop. This program will look at identifying fire hazards, how to prevent them, and how the fire department will respond to a call. The fire service goal is to protect life and property.

Chief John High, Sr. serves as the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Fire Investigation and Fire Prevention Training program manager. John is responsible for scheduling classes, cultivating new instructors and assuring the program continues to meet all state and national training standards. John also oversees an expansion of the prevention component as part of IFSI outreach.  

Register for this event. 

Save the Date! CARLI Directors' Institute 

CARLI will hold the Directors' Institute February 9–11 from 9 a.m. to noon each day. The institute has been designed to enhance the management and leadership skills of Governing Member library directors/interim directors who are new to their positions or those who feel new to their positions, but any director interested in the program is welcome to register!

Professional Development Alliance News

The following programs from the Professional Development Alliance are currently on the calendar. Programs are offered on a wide variety of subjects. Check out everything the alliance is making available to our libraries!

  • December 9: Sharpening Your Organizational Skills
  • December 15: The ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey
  • January 13: Crafting Your Story with Data Visualizations
  • January 19: The Before and After: Returning to Work with COVID Restrictions Still in Place
  • January 20: Libraries Within the Ecosystem of Digital Equity: A Panel on Practical Advice and the Bigger Picture
  • January 25: Working with Fire Professionals
  • January 27: Creating Self-Led Foundational Literacy Kits for Child Care Centers
  • February 22: Fair Use Gameshow
  • March 1: Save the Date: Event with Emily Knox
  • March 8 and March 15: Open Pedagogy 2-Part Series

To register, visit the CARLI Event Calendar. Recordings of past CARLI-sponsored PDA events are available where permitted by the presenter. 

If you have a topic you would like to see as a continuing education program, send your idea to .

The ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey
December 15, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Central Time

Each year thousands of academic libraries complete ACRL's Trends and Statistics Survey. Libraries across the country use the survey for benchmarking, understanding trends, advocating for better resources, assessment, and conducting deeper research. In this session, Devin Savage, Janine A. Kuntz, and Jeannette E. Pierce, members of ACRL's Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board, will present selected results from the 2020 survey by looking at how the data can be used with the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. ACRL has recently migrated the survey to the new platform, Benchmark: Library Metrics and Trends, which provides comparative data. Presenters will also share responses to common questions from those who complete the survey, discuss recent changes to the survey, and demonstrate how librarians can access and use the data.

Please register for this event. 

The Before and After: Returning to Work with COVID Restrictions Still in Place
January 19, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Central Time

While it was challenging to work from home for 18 months, many feel returning to work with COVID restrictions still in place to be even more difficult. In this session, Joan Schuitema will explore some of the reasons for this such as continued isolation, the loss of workplace traditions and rituals, and grief associated with the loss of colleagues, friends, and family members. We will also try to identify ways to address these issues so as to improve our workplace experience.  

Please register for this event.

Fair Use Gameshow
February 22, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Central Time

Are you interested in fair use, but not interested in long lectures on the topic? Would you like to test your fair use knowledge and have some fun? If the answer to either or both of these questions is yes, then join us as we play the Fair Use Gameshow! Your host, Sara Benson, the Copyright Librarian at the University of Illinois will ask fun, challenging fair use questions to the audience and our panel of esteemed copyright experts will chime in with their opinions. Join the fun as the panel including Melissa Ocepek, Assistant Professor at the iSchool, Pia Hunter, Access Librarian and Online Learning Consultant at the University of Illinois College of Law, and Barbara Kaplan, Faculty Outreach Librarian at the University of Illinois College of Law discuss the many nuances of fair use.

Please register for this event.  

Two-Part Open Pedagogy Series
March 8 and 15, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Central Time

Workshop 1: Introducing Open Pedagogy: From Open Resources to Equitable, Student-Centered Practices 

In this workshop Will Cross will introduce open pedagogy, an access-oriented commitment to learner driven education. Just as open educational resources (OER) can remove financial barriers for students, open pedagogy empowers faculty and students to build courses that reflect and connect out to the world in which they live. This workshop will introduce the core values of open pedagogy and walk you through successful models for putting open pedagogy into practice. You will leave with a deeper foundation in open pedagogy and be prepared to join us in our follow-up workshop on implementing open pedagogy.

Register for Workshop 1.

Workshop 2: Implementing Open Pedagogy: Outreach and Advocacy for Developing Faculty Partnerships

In this workshop we will explore strategies for making open pedagogy work at your institution. Building on the Introducing Open Pedagogy workshop, we will explore strategies for developing a team to support open pedagogy and develop a tailored action plan for connecting with faculty instructors. Because this session is focused on outreach and team building, attendees are encouraged to invite colleagues from across campus including instructional designers, learning technology experts and, of course, faculty instructors. You and your team will leave ready to implement open pedagogy strategies at your institution.

Register for Workshop 2.

Shared Documentation Depository

The CARLI Technical Services Committee (TSC) wants to thank those that have already submitted Alma and Primo VE documentation to the Shared Documentation Depository

Workflow documentation specific to your institution can assist CARLI institutions in early stages of workflow development and provide insight for those further along in their processes. Documentation will be shared via the Shared Documentation Depository on the CARLI web site.

As a reminder, if you have local workflow documentation to share related to any area of Alma or Primo VE please consider submitting it via this form. The TSC will post submissions monthly to the Share Documentation Depository. 

Please share your documentation even if another institution has already shared similar workflows. As we all know, there is no "one size fits all" approach in Alma and it is the hope of the TSC that collecting different workflows will help those who are struggling with where to start. Additionally, it is hoped that this Documentation Depository may lead to some best practices for all libraries.

Please contact with any questions.

Thank you for sharing!

Controlled Digital Lending Questionnaire

The CARLI Public Services Committee is beginning to explore interest in and use of controlled digital lending (CDL) in CARLI libraries. Based on what is learned from our exploration, the committee will plan appropriate projects like shared case studies, a published resource guide, and/or related programming. 

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) defines controlled digital lending in this way:

Rooted in the fair use right of US Copyright Act, CDL is the digital equivalent of traditional physical library lending—a library can digitize a book it owns and lend out a secured digital version to one user at a time, in place of the physical item.

Controlled Digital Lending has three important core principles:

  • A library must own a legal copy of the physical book, by purchase or via donation or gift;
  • A library must maintain an "owned to loaned" ratio, simultaneously lending no more copies than it legally owns; and,
  • A library must use technical measures to ensure that the digital file cannot be copied or redistributed.

All CARLI members are invited to complete a very brief questionnaire by December 21, 2021. The form should take no more than five minutes to complete. While you have the option to remain anonymous, we welcome you to provide contact information so we can follow up to discuss your CDL related experience.  

Pressbooks Discount Available to CARLI Members

PressbooksEDU is an online software platform that can be used to create/edit/adapt open educational resources (OER). 

We are pleased to announce that we have negotiated an extension on the current Pressbooks offer for CARLI Governing Member Libraries to receive a 25% discount on individual PressbooksEDU contracts through December 31, 2022. Interested members will need to arrange a contract directly with .

Upcoming OER Programs

Open Author, a Tool for OER Creation, Remixing, and Publishing
December 9, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

CARLI Governing members are invited to learn more about Open Author, the OER creation, remixing, and publishing tool within OER Commons in the upcoming webinar presented by Megan Simmons at ISKME. 

Learn the capabilities and benefits of using Open Author through discussion and live demonstrations. 

Register for this event.
This program is sponsored by the CARLI OER Committee to support your use of CARLI's Open Illinois Hub on the OER Commons site. 

CARLI OER Office Hours: Focus – Engaging Faculty through a Community of Practice
December 14, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

The CARLI OER Committee invites CARLI members to an informal discussion on Engaging Faculty through a Community of Practice. Those working on local OER and affordable programs are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts and experiences, and learn from their CARLI colleagues.

Register for this event. 

Three Opportunities to Attend the CARLI OER Faculty Workshop

The CARLI OER Committee invites CARLI members to share with their teaching faculty an opportunity to attend a workshop to learn about open educational resources including open textbooks.

The workshop will:

  • Identify the problem are we trying to solve;
  • Explain open educational resources including open textbooks and affordable course materials;
  • Provide options for what can we do.

After attending, Illinois teaching faculty will be invited to write a short review of an open textbook in the Open Textbook Library.

If your institution plans to offer an incentive to your faculty for attendance at the workshop & writing a review of an open textbook, please email CARLI Support ( so that we can provide you the information you need about your faculty attendance/review status.

Register for 1/27, 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Register for 2/23, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Register for 3/30, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 

Flyers to publicize the workshops on your campus are available on the programs’ registration pages.

Understanding and Promoting Open Education Resources Course 

CARLI is pleased to offer a 3-week synchronous and asynchronous course on open educational resources. This virtual course includes material that was first shared with the CARLI membership during the Open Textbook Network Train-the-Trainer workshops in Spring 2018.

This course will be offered February 2022 with the live sessions on February 8, 15, 22 from 2:30–4:00 p.m. Attendees should plan to attend each live session.

The live sessions will include some presentations, but the aim of the course planners is that these will incorporate a flipped classroom model to build community among participants as all share and discuss the topics.

Register for this course. 

Alma Primo VE Update 

The CARLI Board has approved a recommendation from the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee to turn off the ability to place new I-Share requests through Primo VE starting at 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 23, 2021, through 8 a.m. on Sunday, January 2, 2022. As a reminder, I-Share requests are placed by patrons of one I-Share institution for physical materials owned by another I-Share institution. This recommendation does not change local request settings, i.e., the settings the library has that do or do not allow patrons to request materials from the institution with which they are affiliated.
Specifically, the "Request from I-Share" link will be hidden in Primo VE for all I-Share libraries.  Any I-Share requests placed before 5 p.m., December 23, but unprocessed by library staff before the winter break, will be held in the queue for later processing. 
CARLI staff will do the work to turn off I-Share requesting during the break by hiding the I-Share request link in Primo VE and will extend the request queue (pick from shelf list) expiration period to hold unprocessed requests placed before December 23.
If your institution would like to turn off or modify local requesting during winter break, please email  for assistance.

If you would like to update Primo VE to provide a notice about this temporary change, you may wish to refer to the following documentation and/or contact CARLI support for assistance.

How to add an alert banner to the Prim VE top bar:
How to add a descriptive message to the Primo VE main page HTML cards:

The next CARLI Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours session will be held on Thursday, December 16 at 2 p.m. For connectivity information visit the CARI Calendar.

Preservation Tips

Quick Tips for Disasters & Emergencies: Project Overview
Jade Kastel, Music Librarian, Western Illinois University

Welcome to the CARLI Preservation Committee's series Quick Tips for Disasters & Emergencies.

This series covers tips and resources that library, archival, museum, and cultural institution staff can reference as they create, fine tune, or revise their institution's disaster plan. Implementing a disaster plan will guide employees to enact swiftly the procedures and protocols for a myriad of disasters from cricket invasions to persistent leaks that tend to only drip on irreplaceable items, or responding to rare, severe disasters. 

Articles in the series will include:

  • The creation or revision of a disaster plan.
  • Why you should have disaster kits and what to put in them.
  • How first response posters are essential tools for staff as first responders.
  • Developing a contact list to alert the appropriate institutional response.
  • Plan preparedness and tabletop exercises.

Developing a Full Disaster Plan
Jade Kastel, Music Librarian, Western Illinois University

The CARLI Preservation Committee has created a curated list of guides for institutions embarking in disaster preparedness or those revisiting their current disaster plan. As spaces, collections (physical or digital), and staffing frequently change, an updated disaster plan is vital so staff can act quickly in an emergency response. These relevant resources allow all libraries to incorporate current best practices in disaster planning into their institution's full disaster plan.

Learn more about what resources are available to create or update your disaster plan in the full article

Disaster Kits
Becky Koch, Conservation and Preservation Specialist, Milner Library, Illinois State University

In Milner Library at Illinois State University, we make an effort to be prepared for anything. This means not only having plenty of disaster response supplies, but also having them close at hand. As our building is six floors there is no one location that is readily accessible to every part of the library. We solve this problem by making mini "Disaster Kits" that are located on each floor of the library. Disaster kits are one quick, low cost way to make sure your library can respond to any emergency as soon as possible.

More information about what to stock in a kit and where to store the kits are in the full article.

Other Library News

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Metadata Networking Group & Kick-off Meeting

Would you like to be part of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Metadata Networking Group? The group aims to foster the importance of a shared understanding to create and maintain more equitable, diverse, and inclusive metadata content. 

This group is open to all library staff of all types and sizes and will host regular discussions on DEI topics related to catalog data. Meetings will be listed on the L2 calendar as they are scheduled.

Read more about the group and sign up for the mailing list. If you have any questions, comments, or discussion topics for the agenda please contact Scott Brandwein, , or .

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Important Dates

December 12                     Alma Release Update
December 24–January 4     CARLI Office Closed 

January 17     CARLI Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday


December 8      Discovery PrimoVE Task Force
December 10    Commercial Products Committee
December 13    Preservation Committee Meeting
December 14    Technical Services Committee
December 15    Public Services Committee
December 15    Collection Management Committee
December 16    OER Committee
December 16    DEI Task Force

January 10     Preservation Committee
January 12     Discovery PrimoVE Task Force
January 18     Technical Services Committee
January 19     Collection Management Committee
January 19     Public Services Committee
January 20     OER Committee
January 20     DEI Task Force
January 21     Commercial Products Committee

Webinars, Forums, Workshops and Training

December 8      Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources Option 1 Live Session
December 9      Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources Option 2 Live Session
December 9      PDA Series: Sharpening Your Organizational Skills
December 14    Let's Talk About Fulfillment
December 14    OER Office Hour: Focus – Engaging Faculty through a Community of Practice
December 14    Illinois SCOERs Informational Workshop
December 15    PDA Event: The ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey
December 15    Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources Option 1 Live Session
December 16    Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources Option 2 Live Session
December 16    CARLI Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours

January 13     PDA Event: Crafting Your Story with Data Visualizations
January 13     CARLI Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours
January 18     Illinois SCOERs Informational Workshop
January 19     PDA Series: The Before and After: Returning to Work with COVID Restrictions Still in Place
January 20:    PDA Event: Libraries Within the Ecosystem of Digital Equity: A Panel on Practical Advice and the Bigger Picture
January 25     PDA Series: Working with Fire Professionals
January 26     Illinois SCOERs Informational Workshop
January 27     Tech Services Q&A
January 27     OER Faculty Workshop: Supporting Academic Success: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials
January 27:    PDA Event: Creating Self-Led Foundational Literacy Kits for Child Care Centers

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

Contact Us

Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to . Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.