Submitted by dmcmpbll on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 9:56am
For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.
- CARLI Office and Vanguard Libraries:
- The CARLI Office staff and staff members from the Vanguard libraries attended a 3 day in-person workshop led by Ex Libris trainer Connie Braun.
- This training will enhance the libraries' ability to continue their data review and make suggestions regarding the Configuration and Migration form data that all I-Share libraries will be completing for the test load.
- All I-Share libraries:
- Your library's current tasks:
- Due July 23, 2019: Your Alma/Primo VE contact will upload a copy of the locations spreadsheet to Box to map all of your Voyager locations to Alma locations. See the directions for this task, under the heading "July 23 Deadline Instructions".
- Watch the "P2E" and "Link Resolver" webinars that will be posted during the week of June 10th under the "Alma & Primo VE Resources" section on the CARLI Alma & Primo VE webpage.
- If your library uses SFX, review the Alma and SFX: Getting ready for migration guide on the CARLI website.
- CARLI will host weekly Alma/Primo VE Migration Office Hours. Staff at your library can plan to join the call as schedules permit; the sessions will be recorded. Details for each call are listed on the CARLI event calendar.
As always, you can contact CARLI support with any comments or questions.