CARLI staff have completed preparing the FY 2017 annual statistical reports package for I-Share libraries. I-Share library staff may download these reports from your library's CARLI FTP directory. CARLI compiled statistics for the reports using a date range of 7/1/2016-6/30/2017, inclusive. (Note: Some I-Share libraries also receive the Annual Statistical Package on an alternative fiscal year cycle. Those libraries will also receive this current set of reports.) The collection stat reports are snapshots, which are current as of the date at the top of each report.
For details and descriptions of each report, please view the I-Share Annual Statistical Package webpage. This webpage also includes tips for using the reports to fill out surveys from external state and national agencies. CARLI strongly encourages libraries to download these reports now, and save them to a reliable location for later use.
CARLI staff have also compiled the I-Share consortial statistics, which are posted only to the CARLI website. These consortial reports include:
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