"Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising, and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences." ACRL Framework
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Learners who are developing their information literate abilities do the following:
Knowledge Practice 1
Articulate the capabilities and constraints of information developed through various creation processes.
Putting Padlet to Work: Three Methods for Virtual Active Learning- Paul Worrell, McKendree University, 2021
Teaching News Sources with Process Cards- Susan Miller and Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College, 2019
The Scholarly Article Autopsy: Information Sources from the Inside Out- Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University, 2017
Interrogating Sources with First Year Students- Martinique Hallerduff & Jennifer Lau-Bond, Dominican University & Harper College, 2017
Identifying, Analyzing, and Evaluating Primary Sources- Belinda Cheek & Kimberly Butler, North Central College, 2015
Knowledge Practice 2
Assess the fit between an information product’s creation process and a particular information need.
Putting Padlet to Work: Three Methods for Virtual Active Learning- Paul Worrell, McKendree University, 2021
Social Media for the Real World: Preparing Students to Cleanse and Curate Their Online Presence- Edward Remus, Northeastern Illinois University, 2020
Teaching News Sources with Process Cards- Susan Miller and Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College, 2019
Costume History Research Through a Critical Lens- Christina Norton, Heartland Community College, 2019
The Scholarly Article Autopsy: Information Sources from the Inside Out- Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University, 2017
Identifying, Analyzing, and Evaluating Primary Sources- Belinda Cheek & Kimberly Butler, North Central College, 2015
Knowledge Practice 3
Articulate the traditional and emerging processes of information creation and dissemination in a particular discipline.
What is Research? Drawing Icebreaker- Alissa Droog, Northern Illinois University, 2020
Traversing the Terrain of 21st Century Publishing: A Practicum- Sarah Dick & Susan Franzen, Illinois State University, 2017
Identifying, Analyzing, and Evaluating Primary Sources- Belinda Cheek & Kimberly Butler, North Central College, 2015
Knowledge Practice 4
Recognize that information may be perceived differently based on the format in which it is packaged.
Identifying, Analyzing, and Evaluating Primary Sources- Belinda Cheek & Kimberly Butler, North Central College, 2015
Locating Academic Sources- Heather Jagman, DePaul University Library, 2013
Source Evaluation: Context and Appropriateness- Laura Mondt, Richland Community College, 2013
Knowledge Practice 5
Recognize the implications of information formats that contain static or dynamic information.
Source Evaluation with Rubrics- helping students move beyond the basics- Rebecca Yowler, Knox College, 2020
Knowledge Practice 6
Monitor the value that is placed upon different types of information products in varying contexts.
Locating Academic Sources- Heather Jagman, DePaul University Library, 2013
Just Get Started With Assessment- Meg Frazier & Megan Jaskowiak, Bradley University, 2014
Knowledge Practice 7
Transfer knowledge of capabilities and constraints to new types of information products.
Increasing Engagement with Poll Everywhere- Larissa Garcia, Northern Illinois University, 2013
Knowledge Practice 8
Develop, in their own creation processes, an understanding that their choices impact the purposes for which the information product will be used and the message it conveys.
Costume History Research Through a Critical Lens- Christina Norton, Heartland Community College, 2019
Synthesis through New Knowledge Creation- Adam Cassell, MacMurray College, 2016
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