"Searching for information is often nonlinear and iterative, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops." ACRL Framework
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Learners who are developing their information literate abilities do the following:
Knowledge Practice 1
Determine the initial scope of the task required to meet their information needs.
Cats Cause Schizophrenia: Librarian-Faculty Collaboration to Develop Student Competency in Contextualizing Sources- Frances Brady and Teresa Fletcher, PhD, Adler University, 2018
Creating Partnerships to Enhance Information Literacy Skills of the Multicultural Communiversity- Ladislava Khailova, Northern Illinois University, 2015
Knowledge Practice 2
Identify interested parties, such as scholars, organizations, governments, and industries, which might produce information about a topic and determine how to access that information.
Research Environments- Crystal Boyce, Illinois Wesleyan University, 2014
Knowledge Practice 3
Utilize divergent (e.g., brainstorming) and convergent (e.g., selecting the best source) thinking when searching.
#Research: An Activity to Introduce Keywords- Grace Spiewak, Aurora University, 2021
Today we're going to play a little game...- Kathy Bartel, Waubonsee Community College, 2018
Active Learning Library Instruction Program (ALLI)- Bryan Clark & Jessica Bastian, Illinois Central College, 2015
MindMeister: Researching on the Web- Mahrya Carncross, Western Illinois University, 2014
Discovery Tools are like Shopping for Jeans- Molly Beestrum, Columbia College Chicago, 2013
Knowledge Practice 4
Match information needs and search strategies to search tools.
Welcome to the (Online) Library! An Asynchronous Virtual Library Tour and Research Activity- Hannah Carlton, Tish Hayes - Moraine Valley Community College, 2021
Traversing the Terrain of 21st Century Publishing: A Practicum- Sarah Dick & Susan Franzen, Illinois State University, 2017
Creating Partnerships to Enhance Information Literacy Skills of the Multicultural Communiversity- Ladislava Khailova, Northern Illinois University, 2015
Flipped Classroom: Exercises for Database Searching- Jeannette Moss & Lauren McKeen, Northwestern University Library, 2014
Keyword Development and Searching- Andrew Lenaghan and Melvin Whitehead, Joliet Junior College, 2014
Knowledge Practice 5
Design and refine needs and search strategies, based on search results.
Rethinking a Search Strategy- Susan Franzen, Illinois State University, 2016
Flexible Models of Embedded Librarianship- Randi Sutter & Colleen Bannon, Heartland Community College, 2015
Keyword Development and Searching- Andrew Lenaghan and Melvin Whitehead, Joliet Junior College, 2014
Wikipedia as a Research Tool- Alexis Shpall Wolstein, Milner Library – Illinois State University, 2013
Discovery Tools are like Shopping for Jeans- Molly Beestrum, Columbia College Chicago, 2013
Knowledge Practice 6
Understand how information systems (i.e., collections of recorded information) are organized to access relevant information.
Putting Padlet to Work: Three Methods for Virtual Active Learning- Paul Worrell, McKendree University, 2021
#Research: An Activity to Introduce Keywords- Grace Spiewak, Aurora University, 2021
Welcome to the (Online) Library! An Asynchronous Virtual Library Tour and Research Activity- Hannah Carlton, Tish Hayes - Moraine Valley Community College, 2021
Staley Library Investigation- Matthew Olsen, Millikin University, 2020
A search term by any other name is just as correct?: The importance of evolving language in keywords and subject headings- Frances Brady and Marquez Wilson, Adler University, 2019
Today we're going to play a little game...- Kathy Bartel, Waubonsee Community College, 2018
Creating Partnerships to Enhance Information Literacy Skills of the Multicultural Communiversity- Ladislava Khailova, Northern Illinois University,2015
Research Environments- Crystal Boyce, Illinois Wesleyan University, 2014
Discovery Tools are like Shopping for Jeans- Molly Beestrum, Columbia College Chicago, 2013
Knowledge Practice 7
Use different searching language types (e.g., controlled vocabulary, keywords, natural language).
#Research: An Activity to Introduce Keywords- Grace Spiewak, Aurora University, 2021
A search term by any other name is just as correct?: The importance of evolving language in keywords and subject headings- Frances Brady and Marquez Wilson, Adler University, 2019
Today we're going to play a little game...- Kathy Bartel, Waubonsee Community College, 2018
Active Learning Library Instruction Program (ALLI)- Bryan Clark & Jessica Bastian, Illinois Central College, 2015
Flexible Models of Embedded Librarianship- Randi Sutter & Colleen Bannon, Heartland Community College, 2015
Flipped Classroom: Exercises for Database Searching- Jeannette Moss & Lauren McKeen, Northwestern University Library, 2014
Keyword Development and Searching- Andrew Lenaghan and Melvin Whitehead, Joliet Junior College, 2014
Knowledge Practice 8
Manage searching processes and results.
A la carte Instruction- Stephanie King & Susan Markwell, Illinois Valley Community College, 2017
Creating Partnerships to Enhance Information Literacy Skills of the Multicultural Communiversity- Ladislava Khailova, Northern Illinois University, 2015
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