CARLI is seeking volunteers interested in serving on the I-Share Next Task Force. The I-Share Next Task Force will coordinate the effort and advise the CARLI staff, CARLI Board of directors, and CARLI membership on all matters related to the selection of the next generation of I-Share, i.e., a shared library management system that will ultimately replace Voyager for CARLI’s I-Share participant institutions. The group will coordinate all planning, analysis, specification compilation, Request for Proposal (RFP) preparation and proposal review, will identify the finalist options, and ultimately will recommend a final preferred solution to the CARLI Board.
The focus of the ISN Task Force’s review and analysis will include system functionality, consortial suitability and scalability, system architecture, vendor viability and support factors, operating environment and requirements, and cost of acquiring and maintaining the product. It is expected that this review will cover both commercial and open source solutions.
Task Force members will be appointed for a 3-year term that is expected to run from July 2014 through June 2017.
The Task Force will meet at least once a month, and with increasing frequency and multi-day meetings during the review and evaluation of bids. Most meetings will be held in person, in Champaign. Additionally, Task Force members must be willing and able to commit a substantial amount of time outside of meetings for preparing specifications and reviewing bids. CARLI will be able to provide some support for travel expenses, but applicants must provide, along with their application to serve on the Task Force, a statement of support for their application from their library administration.
In addition the work on the I-Share Next Task Force itself, members of the I-Share Next Task Force will also be asked to chair or serve on project Teams (subcommittees) that will focus on specific functional areas, system configuration, or product assessment.
This project will be subject to the Illinois higher education public procurement policies. Task Force members and anyone reviewing bids must sign the University of Illinois' Confidentiality and No Conflict of Interest Form. Once the RFP is released, Task Force Members will not be allowed to discuss the process with anyone who has not signed a confidentiality agreement for this project. That is, you may not disclose or discuss any product information provided by the bidders, any information about the evaluation criteria and ranking, the names of the finalist or rejected bidders, or any other information about the project that is deemed confidential. Any violation of the confidentiality policy can result in a vendor being disqualified under Illinois state procurement policies, or even the entire RFP being voided.
To apply to serve on the I-Share Next Task Force, please provide detailed responses to the questions on the I-Share Next Task Force Application Form by May 23, 2014. Notifications of appointments will be sent about June 13, and appointments will begin July 1, 2014.