CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Anne Craig (CARLI), Richard Darga (Chicago State University), Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), Dennis Krieb (Lewis & Clark Community College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Michael Lorenzen (Western Illinois University), Cathy Mayer (Trinity Christian College), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University), David Stern (Saint Xavier University), Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Guest: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon, Connie Walsh
- Minutes of the June 16, 2017, meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The Board approved the formation of an Institutional Repositories Investigative Task Force to explore whether CARLI should operate an IR on behalf of its member institutions. The task force will comprise a maximum of nine members from libraries that currently have IRs and from those libraries that are seeking to implement an IR.
- The Board approved the proposal from the Program Planning Committee to hold a New Directors Institute in 2018 for a minimum of eight registrants.
- The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
- CARLI welcomed new Board members Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Michael Lorenzen (Western Illinois University), and Cathy Mayer (Trinity Christian College).
- The University of Illinois System Office has received their budget information from the State of Illinois. CARLI expects to receive information from the System Office in the next few weeks regarding its FY 2018 state appropriations.
- The draft of the new CARLI Strategic Plan will be available ahead of the 2017 CARLI Annual Meeting. CARLI Board and staff will facilitate small group discussions about the document to gather final feedback. We expect to release the final draft in early 2018.
- CARLI staff and committee members will present five sessions at the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Tinley Park October 10-12. The sessions include: Taking Control of Your Online Catalog; Sync Your WorldCat Holdings to Improve Patron Access; NextGen Grads Rising UP: Aligning Their Skills and Your Needs; Open Illinois: CARLI and Open Educational Resources; Collaborative Collection Development: Growing Collections in Times of Austerity; and a CARLI Update.
- Senior Director Anne Craig has held listening sessions for directors at member libraries around the state. The last of the sessions will be held at the end of September.
- CARLI E-resources and Business & Finance Services staff are currently completing all University Purchasing and State Procurement Office requirements for license agreements for the Calendar Year 2018 (January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018) subscription cycle.
- CARLI has received a new pricing model for AAAS for Science. Pricing will be available in the CY 2018 selection period.
- CARLI is gathering usage statistics for all calendar year products that will to be provided to all libraries.
- CARLI Senior Program Coordinator for E-resources, Mary Burkee, will be retiring at the end of September. We have not yet received approval to fill this position.
- CARLI staff conducted site visits to the four new libraries that are expected to go live in I-Share in mid-2018. The new libraries are: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, McHenry County College, Moody Bible Institute, and Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies.
- The VuFind 3 discovery interface is available as a live production system for I-Share. CARLI is continuing to conduct testing, and address critical issues. VuFind 3 can also be reviewed in a test environment.
- CARLI representatives attended the Open Textbook Network Summer Institute and Summit at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in August. The representatives and other members of CARLI’s OER Task Force will be meeting soon to finalize plans for training at member libraries around the state.
- CARLI will hold its Annual Meeting, and Directors’ Meeting on Friday, November 17, 2017 at the I-Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.
- The Program Planning Committee has set two more webinars in their series of continuing education efforts for directors. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and current editor of Library Trends and the eContent Column in EDUCAUSE Magazine will present “Demystifying the Process: Getting Your Article Published” on October 17. Carrie Russell, director of the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy will present “Current Copyright Issues” on November 1. The webinars will be recorded and made available from the CARLI web site.
- CARLI has submitted the draft of the Request for Proposal for a shared library system to replace Voyager to the State Procurement Officer for final approval. An announcement will be sent out to CARLI libraries when the RFP has been posted to the State of Illinois Procurement web site.
Tasks Assigned
- CARLI will work with the Program Planning Committee to plan a New Directors Institute to be held in 2018.
- CARLI will work with the Board and member library directors to recruit members for the Institutional Repositories Investigative Task Force.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- 2017–2018 Board meetings
- Friday, December 1, 2017, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, March 9, 2018, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, June 15, 2018, CARLI Office, Champaign
- 2017–2018 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Monday, November 27, 2017
- Wednesday, February 28, 2018
- Wednesday, June 6, 2018
- CARLI Directors' Meeting, Friday, November 17, I-Hotel, Champaign
- CARLI Annual Meeting, Friday, November 17, I-Hotel, Champaign