Technical Services Committee Meeting July 29, 2015

In Person Meeting, CARLI Office

Members attending:

Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), Joelen Pastva (University of Illinois Chicago), Sandy Roe (Illinois State University), Mary Tatro (Augustana College)

Members absent: N/A

Staff attending: Jennifer Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson

Guests: N/A


  • Minutes of the June 12, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus.
  • Minutes for each meeting will be taken on a rotating basis ordered alphabetically based on the last name of each member. The committee will explore presenting the information from last year’s Annual Project at the CARLI annual meeting if those presentations are called for. Keith offered to ask Lauren to present the information in a lightening talk if that is wanted, and the committee agreed that we should discuss what kind of deliverables might be possible for this year’s project.
  • A subcommittee will be formed to determine if the deliverable from last year’s Annual Project might be turned into a publishable article. Kavita Mundle and Lauren Noel expressed interest last year, so they along with Keith, Elizabeth, and Mingyan will get explore this possibility.
  • Sandy suggested that we possibly update the documentation presented in the 2010 I-Share document for cataloging e-resources found here Sandy, Mary Konkel, Mingyan, and Melissa volunteered to form a subgroup to explore this project.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.



  • Keith, Nicole, and Jen reviewed the charge of the Technical Services Committee, which can be found in the body of text here:
  • The committee members talked at length about possible ideas for this year’s Annual Project, Spring Forum, and other projects of interest from the list in the Appendix below.
    • Of those ideas, the “Idiot’s Guide to MARCEdit” seems like it might be a very viable option and that it might go well training videos for very specific tasks. If this project was done as the Annual Project, deliverables might be a training document with screenshots, script/s, or an online tutorial. Projects such as database maintenance projects using Microsoft Access and possible ways to explore issues related to e-resources might also go well with introducing basic MARCEdit tutorials, but other projects suggested included showing how to change updated LCSHs, fix ISBN numbers that don’t conform to the current standards, and put URLs into MARC records.
  • Committee members also suggested that holding a Spring Forum centered around what CARLI members are doing with both database maintenance and technical reports might be fruitful. Nicole and Jen pointed out that Cathy created some videos about how to start using Access reports before she retired, so that might be a good place to start if the committee wanted to explore those possibilities.
  • Providing more training videos for technical services staff, figuring out ways to address acquisitions-related issues, and updating the I-Share documentation since the Voyager 9.1.1 upgrade will continue to be ongoing projects. Committee members suggested that asking some particular people about what videos might be helpful relating to Voyger Acquisitions and picking some of those projects might be a good way to approach that. Jen agreed to look for and send out documentation for the Technical Services Committee to review and check over to make sure that it conforms to both RDA cataloging standards and Voyager’s new 9.1.1 system, and she thought that the old documentation formerly maintained by the I-Cat and I-ACQ groups might be fruitful.
  • Sandy suggested a possible project to assist with the implementation of genre/form terms. It might be possible at some point to collaborate with another CARLI committee about this topic.
  • Technical Service Committee members also considered exploring ways that the committee could assist CARLI members who are implementing OCLC data reclamation/cleanup projects.
  • Sandy asked if other committee members might be willing to explore putting together some information about who will print card catalog records since OCLC is discontinuing the service on September 30th of this year.

Tasks assigned:

  • Each member needs to create a profile on the committee’s website once it is created by CARLI’s webmaster.
  • If team members see RDA training events, please send the information both to the group and to Jen and Mary Tatro so that it might be added to the calendar.
  • Committee members should check their schedules and make sure that the second Wednesdays of the month in the PM will work for their schedules.
  • The article subcommittee members need to fill out the Doodle poll indicating their availability to meet once Nicole or Jen sends it out.
  • If CARLI decides to solicit lightening talks about last year’s Annual Project, Keith will ask Lauren to consider giving that talk.
  • Jen will look over the old I-CAT and I-ACQ documentation to see if any of it needs updating.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines:

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 9th, Conference Call
  • Rest of the meetings TBD, but tentatively set for the second Wednesday of each month in the P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Hille Cribbs