Conference Call
Members attending:
Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University, co-chair), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Lauren Noel (Columbia College, co-chair)
Members absent:
Lynn Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), Tonya Webb (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Staff attending:
Jennifer Macsciadrelli, Nicole Swanson
May minutes approved.
- Jen reported that the CARLI Office is in the middle of the Voyager upgrade and that so far all is well. CARLI members should watch their email for the latest news and instructions.
- Jen reported that CARLI has elected new CARLI Board of Directors members. Those serving three-year terms are: Dennis Krieb (Lewis and Clark Community College), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) and David Stern (Saint Xavier University). Those serving one-year terms are: Jim Cubit (Lake Forest College), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University) and Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College).
- Nicole reported that new TSC Committee members have all been contacted. Those who have accepted positions include: Melissa Burel (SIUE), Joelen Pastva (UIC) and Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), and Sandy Roe (Illinois State University).
- Annual Project and Annual Report
- Collaboration with Public Services Wrap Up:
- Elizabeth reported that the registration numbers for each of the webinars were 81 for the first webinar, 89 for the second, and 80 for the third webinar. Attendance seems to have been a good mix of public service and technical service library personnel.
- The feedback gathered from the responses to the surveys can be viewed using the links to the results, and it is mostly positive.
- Members from both the Public Services Committee and the Technical Services Committee observed that the collaboration allowed both groups to learn a lot. The collaboration gave both groups good information, and the final results are good summaries of the basic concepts of RDA that can provide a solid foundation from which to learn more.
- Going forward, the group does not have specific plans for next year, but members of both committees expressed a desire to keep the possibility of more collaboration open. Technical Services Committee members will keep their eyes open to things that might significantly impact the work of Public Services Committee members, and they will keep them informed about those changes.
- Technical Services Training Video:
- Nicole reported that she has updated the documentation in preparation for the Voyager upgrades that are occurring right now. Since the documentation will affect the script for the video, the project will go forward once the Voyager upgrades are complete. She will need someone to assist her with the script once it is finished.
- New Business:
- Projects for next year:
- In addition to the possible projects mentioned by members at the May 2015 meeting that were included in the Annual Report (see above), committee members are considering the following projects for next year: publishing the text from the Annual Project in a peer-reviewed journal, figuring out when and how to collaborate with the Public Services committee on another project, updating any out-of-date I-Share documentation, giving guidance for database maintenance projects, and authoring an “Idiot’s” Guide to MARCEdit.
- Next Meeting:
- Jen and Nicole wish to schedule the first in-person meeting for next year’s CARLI Technical Services Committee for sometime in late July. They test out the CARLI listserv with the new members added on 6/15 and will send out a Doodle poll to the committee members to figure out what day works best for meeting.
- Leaving Members:
- Lauren, Elizabeth, Jen, and Nicole expressed thanks for those member who are rotating off the committee: Lynn, Dallas, Tonya, Lauren, Deb, and Kavita. We are grateful for their service.
Tasks assigned:
All Committee Members: Respond to the Doodle Poll so the July meeting can be arranged.
Next Meeting:
July -- TBD
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth Cribbs