Location: Carli Office, Champaign
10:00a.m – 3:00pm
Members attending: Elizabeth Cribbs (NIU), James Edstrom (WRH, co-chair), Lynnette Fields (SIE, co-chair), Deborah Morris (ROU), Mary Tatro (AUG), Tonya Webb (UIU), John Whisler (EIU),
Members absent: Dallas Long (ISU>),Kavita Mundle (UIC), Eric Nygren (NBY)
Staff attending: Nicole Swanson, Jennifer Masciadrelli, Jessica Gibson
Staff absent: Ted Schwitzner
- Minutes of the October 9 2013 meeting were approved
- Create a new blind on Cataloging page of the CARLI website called Workflow Sharing for libraries to allow sharing of local workflows for Voyager and third-party tools.
- Lynn, Jim, Deb, and possibly Elizabeth will moderate for the IACRL preconference session
- Lynn volunteered to participate in Collection Management Committee’s ebook PDA forum
- Need for a webinar on preventing false overlays in the UC, add to January agenda
- The meeting was adjourned at 2pm.
- New libraries update
- Production bib loads are done and being reviewed
- COD visited WRH
- Cathy Salika’s retirement was announced at CARLI Annual Meeting
- MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data is now listing 020 $q for qualifying information
- CARLI is working with OCLC to get cataloging functionality for our OCLC code ILL
- ASP consortial records update on Women and Social Movements and Black Thought and Culture. An announcement will be sent when they will be available to be loaded.
- BibNote:
- John Whisler shared his document “Working with the Discard File following Collection Manager Bulk Loads”, committee discussion of incorporating it in a new Workflow Sharing blind
- Once the new blind is created, a call will go out to the Technical Services Interest Group for sharing workflows
- Suggested topics to include: OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager (managing your BibNote discard file, profile settings), What do you do after running reports from the Bib Maintenance Priorities list? (ex. ISU’s review chart), PDA workflows
- A Merge duplicate detection profile to add existing 856s, local notes, or local access points to incoming BibNote records was added to the Collection Manager document.
- Tag tables were updated to accommodate OCLC’s use of the 590 $b in Collection Manager records.
- RDA in the consortial environment best practices article (Lynn Fields, Kavita Mundle,Deb Morris, Lori Murphy)
- Two documents were proposed, a Best Practices for RDA document identifying options and recommendations for original catalogers and an RDA cheat sheet for copy catalogers. A draft of the best practices document was shared with the committee.
- The goal of the document is to provide guidance of some of the options so that records in the I –share catalog may be consistent as possible.
- FAST headings: Lynn described her work with Paige to avoid duplicate FAST headings from displaying in VuFind.
- Preventing false overlays in the UC- Jessica described her work on cleaning up false overlay issues in the UC and the new WRO question 13 to help prevent future overlay issues. This affects more than just bulk loads, but also manual processes. Many of these issues are resulting from vendor records, so it’s important to consider what kinds of questions should be asked of vendors. The committee agreed this is a cataloging educational need and decided a webinar would reach a broader audience. It will be put on the January agenda.
- IACRL preconference 30 min. session on technical services assessment
- Lynn, Jim, Deb, and possibly Elizabeth volunteered to be moderators
- Session questions will focus on assessment’s purpose, its audience, its timeframe, the effort to balance the quality of technical services (such as cataloging) with the usability of its products (findability in the OPAC, is it meeting the needs of its users?); identify outcomes
- Jen described a LITA presentation on what patrons searched for vs. what they found
- Collaboration with Collection Management Committee on ebook PDA forum
- Lynn volunteered to participate and share her experience
- Spring Forum
- Possible theme of Changing Landscapes- I-Share and the world around us: where we are now in preparation for what lies ahead
- Possible a.m. sessions: Beyond MARC topic for keynote speaker (someone within CARLI libraries), RDA in consortial environment best practices (Lynn, Kavita, Deb, Lori)
- Possible p.m. breakout sessions: Communicating RDA to non-catalogers, Apps for Cataloging, Tools for converting records to RDA, Workflow sharing, Collaboration with I-Share Systems team members Heather and Rong on a session
- White Paper:
- Possible topic: best practices document focusing on the technical services concerns about Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA)/Demand-Driven Acquisitions (DDA).
Tasks assigned
- Workflow Sharing Blind on Cataloging pages: Jen
- RDA in consortia environment best practices article (Lynn Fields, Kavita Mundle,Deb Morris, Lori Murphy) – completed by end of December, sent to the TSC ahead of the January meeting, approved by April so it will be ready for the Spring forum.
- Moderators: Lynn, Jim, Deb, and possibly Elizabeth
- Jim will write up a statement to share at the December meeting
- Further discussion of session questions
- Spring forum: Elizabeth will contact colleague Matt Short as a possible speaker on the Beyond MARC
- Lynn will send a note to the committee to share the white paper idea of see if anyone not attending has other suggestions