Carli Office, Champaign, IL
Members attending: Elizabeth Cribbs (NIU), James Edstrom (WRH), Lynn Fields (SIE), Deb Morris (ROU), Eric Nygren (NBY), Mary Tatro (AUG), Tonya Webb (UIU), John Whisler (EIU)
Members absent: Dallas Long (ISU), Kavita Mundle (UIC)
Staff attending: Jennifer Masciadrelli, Susan Singleton, Nicole Swanson, Ted Schwitzner
- Minute takers will be selected according to alphabetical order, starting with Deb Morris
- Future meeting times set, results below.
- Fall, pre-recorded webinar: John Whisler will present on OCLC’s BibNote service migration to Worldshare Metadata Service Manager.
- Spring Forum: Week of April 7th, possibly in Springfield.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.
- New committee members:
- Elizabeth Cribbs (NIU)
- Dallas Long (ISU)
- Mary Tatro (Augustana College)
- Susan Singleton gave a CARLI update:
- Committee reorganization
- Each committee has two liaisons from the CARLI staff.
- Post meeting minutes sooner, within a week to ten days.
- Greater lead time for planning webinars, forums, etc.
- 2 months for webinars
- 4 months for forums
- 6 months for events that need funding from the CARLI Program Planning Committee
- Each committee is asked to produce a white paper to share your expertise with the membership
- Content can include topical reports, best practices, techniques, products, environmental scan, visionary (ex. “perfect tech. services setup”)
- CARLI will begin a patron driven acquisitions project for e-books and is currently searching for a vendor.
- This will create many tech services issues, and the need for much instruction among libraries.
- The consortium is growing; we are now at 82 I-Share libraries and will be at 86 by January.
- Two new libraries joined I-Share over the summer: University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary and Kishwaukee College.
- Four additional libraries are in the process of becoming I-Share libraries and will be live for resource sharing in January: College of DuPage, JKM Library, Lincoln College, MacMurray College.
- Voyager has been migrated to a Linux environment and is performing faster.
- Alexander Street Press streaming-video collection MARC record loads update.
- 1/3 of ISHARE libraries have requested the consortial MARC records and CARLI is working to get these loaded to their local databases.
- Discussion of our charge as a new committee.
- Some members feel it is broad in scope.
- Susan explained the reason for the new committee; collaboration among groups, better communication, etc.
- Discussion of the benefits of having webinars vs. in-person forums.
- Webinars are good for instruction, but not discussion.
- All institutions have different levels of tech., so webinars don’t always work.
- Discussion of a next ILS to replace Voyager.
- None currently available that can handle the size of our consortium.
- Discussion of IACQ wiki content
- Sharon is updating wiki links to the new website.
- Additional comments from the wiki can be added on the new website.
- Discussion of RDA Hands-on Training for Original Catalogers sessions.
- Comments from the sessions were generally good. Catalogers who attended indicated that they felt more comfortable doing original cataloging in RDA afterwards.
- Catalogers also indicated they would like guidance due to the number of options they now have in RDA.
- Discussion of a possible best practices document from CARLI to help guide these local decisions and/or a topic for a Spring forum
- Possibly create some sort of rationale/flow chart
- This may tie into Lynn, Deb, Lori, and Kavita’s proposed article on RDA in a consortial environment
- OCLC control numbers will soon reach 1 billion. OCLC will be adding a new prefix of “on” for these 10-digit numbers.
- Ted is doing some final testing for the “second 035s”.
- Afterwards, Nicole and Ted will be updating CARLI documentation and macros to reflect this change. Also, Cathy Salika will be sending out an announcement identifying how searching will be affected.
- Discussion of BibNote service migration to OCLC’s Worldshare Metadata Service Manager Nov. 1.
- John Whisler shared his experience migrating to OCLC’s Worldshare Metadata Service Manager, described import options, and highlighted the new features.
- John shared his revisions of CARLI’s current documentation on the BibNote Service. CARLI aspects may need to be revised as well.
- John is willing to pre-record a webinar on this topic in the fall, before Nov. 1, and take questions through email or a discussion list.
- RDA training calendar needs updating.
- Lynn Fields volunteered to help keep this up-to-date.
- Everyone is welcome to email Nicole events they find throughout the year that should be added to the calendar.
- Discussion of need for a PDA/DDA document
- Possibly work with Collections Committee, Resource Sharing Committee
- Possible topic: examine how CARLI’s print version went
- How can we analyze data? (need, money remaining, possibilities)
- New versions of Gary Strawn’s software for Catalogers Toolkit and Correction Receiver.
- Many new updates and features including new RDA features
- Nicole and Ted are looking for volunteers to help test the new features and updates.
- Possibility for testers to share new features in short training videos, a webinar, or a session in the Spring forum.
- Tonya Webb volunteered to help.
- Tag tables revisions.
- Ted is revising tag tables for bib, authority, and holdings records according to LC MARC update 262. He is 1/3 of the way through and hopes to have them out by the end of this month or early next month. He is creating a document of these changes.
- John and Lynn volunteered to help test the revisions.
- White paper discussion.
- Topics considered:
- Possibly create a focus for the committee since it’s new
- Maybe split into sections of each area of tech services.
- Topical focus
- Brainstorm ideas for our September meeting.
- Suggestion to include metadata in our charge.
- Spring forum discussion.
- Need to plan our spring forum in Oct/Nov to meet deadlines.
- Possible locations are Springfield (1st choice, UIS) and Champaign (2nd choice, I-Hotel or Hilton Garden Inn).
- Possible topic: RDA
- Making local decisions
- RDA features in new versions of Strawn utilities
Tasks assigned:
- Brainstorm ideas for the white paper for the September 11th meeting and Spring forum: Everyone
- Webinar on the BibNote migration to Worldshare Metadata Service Manager: John Whisler
- Identify RDA webinars and training events to update the RDA training calendar: Lynn Fields
- Strawn testing: Tonya Webb
- Revised tag table testing: Lynn and John
- Look into Strawn RDA updater utility for authorities: Cathy Salika
- Review the CARLI aspects of the revised BibNotes document and send further revisions back to the Technical Services Committee: Jen
- Look into recording options for John’s webinar: Nicole.
- Investigate possible locations for the Spring forum: Jen and Nicole.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 10 AM Conference Call
- Schedule of Technical Services Committee Meetings:
- Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 10 AM Conference Call
- Some meetings may be in person and will be determined in advance