Members attending: Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College, co-chair), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union, co-chair), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), Joelen Pastva (University of Illinois Chicago), Sandy Roe (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Mary Tatro (Augustana College)
Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson, Ted Schwitzner
Committee member announcements:
ALCTS RPLTS IG Call for proposal for ALA Midwinter 2016
CARLI report:
OCLC announced WorldCat MARC records Subscription is being discontinued on 31 January 2016. WorldShare Collection Manager provides an alternative solution. CARLI is trying to figure out the local impact from this change on CARLI libraries. Keith requested that Ted send some communication to the committee when CARLI staff have found a workable solution to this change.
- October 5 meeting minutes approved
- Subcommittee on publishing the 2014-2015 Annual project made a decision to have the project published in CCQ as a news report.
- Subcommittee report: Publishing the 2014–2015 Annual Project
- Once the 2014-15 Annual Project is published in CCQ as a news report, a link to the news report will be added to the Annual project’s full report on the CARLI website.
- Before the document is opened to the public, Jen will anonymize participants' names.
- Subcommittee report: Updating the I-Share document on cataloging e-resources
- Mary Konkel will serve as “Chair”.
- Mingyan set up GoogleDocs to be used to share, group edit, and comment on our documents. Use group email to post questions, problems and notices.
- Next meeting will be a conference call Thursday November 12th from 9-10 a.m.; edits and comments in GoogleDoc are due by November 9th.
- Tasks assigned to subcommittee members:
- All subcommittee members will look at Section 6: Review of Existing National and Consortia Guidelines.
- For Section 11: Recommended Best Practices for I-Share, we will all review R1 thru R18 with Melissa and Mingyan looking more closely at monographs recommendations and Sandy and Mary looking more closely at continuing resources recommendations.
- Our audience is the cataloging practitioner.
- CARLI Annual Meeting (Nov. 13, Hilton Garden Inn, Champaign); registration is due on Nov. 5th
- Annual Project
- Topic: MarcEdit within the context of database cleanup; topic submitted to CARLI
- Working title: MarcEdit for Database Maintenance: A Select Primer
- Possible database maintenance projects.
- OC3. Correct bib records that are unsuccessfully indexed by Voyager.
- OC4. Correct errors in bib record field tags for control numbers. (Involves 10 individual queries; too cumbersome?)
- RDA mandate: change “ca.” to “approximately” in name headings
- RDA mandate: change “violoncello” to “cello”
- Insert a desired field(s) into a group of records you have identified
- Update urls (856 fields) by adding or changing proxy.
- “Massage” vendor MARC records (convert character encoding, delete some unwanted fields, etc.)
- Possible deliverables:
- Instructional document with screen shots for each step
- Possibly develop some tutorial videos/Online tutorials in the future according to feedback from the AP.
- Possible structure – members agreed that this is a good structure:
- General introduction to MarcEdit
- Database maintenance projects well suited for MarcEdit (include why MarcEdit is better for these projects than Strawn or I-Share Shared Macros)
- Step-by-step procedure (explain):
- Use Access reports to gather records
- Request a file of those bib records from CARLI using a WRO
- Import the file into MarcEdit and perform appropriate tasks
- Transfer the file back to CARLI; ask CARLI to reload the records
- Take selected database maintenance projects, one by one -- provide detailed instructions & screen shots for the Access and MarcEdit setps.
- Wrap-up:
- Other possible projects for MarcEdit?
- Projects better suited for Strawn or I-Share Shared Macros?
- Tech Services Spring Forum
- Topic: Same as Annual Project: MarcEdit for Database Maintenance
- Possible structure:
- Plenary: General introduction to MarcEdit (Ted Schwitzner?)
- Other general session(s) – panel of experts?
- Breakout sessions on authority cleanup?
- Give a “live” presentation doing actual projects?
- Hold a hackathon after the Forum?
- Location – Jen is looking into location possibilities in the Bloomington–Normal area
- Illinois State University
- Illinois Wesleyan University
- Heartland Community College
Tasks assigned
• Members are to think of people who might be good presenters at the Forum
• Members are to ask people about projects that are good to do with MarcEdit
• Members are to contact people who have significant experience with MarcEdit and invite them to contribute to the Annual Project
Next Meeting:
Monday, December 7, 2015, 2–3:30 p.m., Conference Call