Governance / Preservation Committee Meeting: January 25, 2016
Preservation Committee Meeting: January 25, 2016
Members Attending:
Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Anne Thomason, Lake Forest College
Members Absent:
Patrick Brown, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Mary Burns was selected to take minutes
The December 17, 2015 minutes were approved
Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40 am.
Discussion Items
Annual Projects.
November and December Preservation Tips are outstanding, everyone is doing their best to get these completed.
Miriam’s January Preservation Tip will be ready; Anne will have time to complete her case study today. Patrick’s can be added to the blog in the future.
The size and content of the tips were discussed, as well as their intension to be added as resources to the annual project website.
Preservation Resources Website
Elizabeth proposed removing the “Heritage Preservation” and “Heritage Health Index” from the General Preservation and Conservation Resources. Heritage Preservation has now transitioned to the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation Historic and Artistic & FAIC is not keeping all the programs that Heritage Preservation was undertaking. This motion was approved.
Open House/Workshop/In person meeting in April
Miriam discussed logistics about the Workshop April 18th.
One discussion item on the agenda for the April 19th in-person meeting at the CARLI Office will be the webpage for the annual project.
Tasks Assigned
Beth will add descriptions to her suggested resources.
Miriam will follow up with Josh about the Workshop