CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Pat Boze (Illinois State Library), Anita Foster (Illinois State University), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Tom Goetz (Harper College), Kristine Hammerstrand (CARLI), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Tami Luedtke (DePaul University), Michael Norman (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ted Schwitzner (CARLI), Matthew Short (Northern Illinois University), Susan Singleton (CARLI), Connie Walsh (CARLI), Suzanne Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Members absent: none
Staff attending: Brandon Gant
Guests: none
Meeting Overview:
During the morning portion of the meeting, Brandon Gant provided an overview of the development work done by and the future goals for CARLI on VuFind 2.X and XC. Over lunch, members discussed ideas for trends and tools about which we should be educated; these included workflow design and linked data. In the afternoon, the members attempted to evaluate and gain consensus on the best working definitions around the term “discovery.” This discussion led into an enumeration of the Task Force’s priorities for the selected I-Share Next product. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the values that will encompass the work on this project, with a couple potential vision or value statements being proposed.
- TF members recommended that invitations to vendors for informational webinars expand to include details on electronic resource management in addition to consortial functionality.
- A union catalog will be included as an RFP specification.
- Kris presented the draft invitation to vendors for presenting product information to the membership.
- Kris drew people’s attention to the news on Kuali, the organization developing OLE. She also called this news to the attention of purchasing. We have no word yet from purchasing or legal either way about how open source could be evaluated.
- Brandon Gant provided the TF with information on the potential we can gain from CARLI’s development and implementation of VuFind 2.0 and XC.
Tasks assigned:
- Ted and Kris will invite vendors to provide informational webinars on consortial functionality
- Connie will contact purchasing and ask how we can develop pricing grid that includes and excludes “enhanced discovery products.”
- Kris and Michael will confer about bringing in speakers on linked data and BibFrame for TF edification
- Pat will post SWAN RFP to Basecamp
- Kris to find and post LMS RFPs to Basecamp
- TF Assignment: Hash out major sections for RFP on Basecamp
- TF assignment: members to claim or volunteer for areas of RFP and developing functional specs.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Thursday, Friday, October 17, 2014, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Schedule of I-Share Next Task Force Meetings:
- Friday, November 21, 2014, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, December 19, 2014, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Following on the third Friday of each month